Top 10 Ways to Avoid Crypto Tax in the UK 2024

Brihasi Dey
Reviewed by
Ajith Chandan
min read
Last updated:

Are you a savvy crypto investor in the UK looking to reduce your tax bill legally?

Look no further.

In this blog, we'll show you the best strategies to maximize your investments while staying on the right side of the law.

Let's dive into these tax-saving tips so you can start saving like a pro!

1. HODL for the Long Term

One of the easiest and most effective ways to minimize crypto taxes in the UK is by holding onto your cryptocurrency for the long term.

This strategy works because unrealized gains aren't taxed. By not selling or trading your assets, you delay paying capital gains tax until you decide to cash out.

2. Utilize Tax-Free Allowances

Every individual in the UK has an annual capital gains tax exemption, which is £12,300 for the year 2023. By realizing gains within this threshold, you can legally avoid paying taxes on those gains.

Similarly, the personal allowance for income tax, set at £12,570, can be used to receive income from crypto investments tax-free, up to this amount. It's crucial to plan your disposals and income strategically to maximize these allowances.

3. Tax Loss Harvesting

Tax loss harvesting involves selling underperforming assets at a loss to offset gains from profitable investments. By strategically realizing losses, you can reduce your overall taxable income, thereby lowering your tax bill.

For instance, if you’ve made a £10,000 gain from the disposal of 1 BTC and you have an ETH token currently down £1,000 from your purchase price, you can sell this ETH token and offset this £1,000 loss against the £10,000 gain, bringing your tax base down to £9,000.

4. Gift Your Assets to Family Members

In the UK, gifting cryptocurrencies to family members, such as spouses or civil partners, is considered tax-free. 

This can be particularly advantageous if the recipient is in a lower tax bracket or has not used up their tax allowances. It's a legal way to distribute gains across family members and utilize multiple allowances.

5. Donate to Charities

Donating cryptocurrency to registered charities can be a tax-efficient way to reduce your tax liability in the UK. 

Charitable donations are eligible for tax relief, which can be claimed to reduce your overall taxable income. This not only supports good causes but also strategically lowers your tax liability.

6. Use a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)

Investing in cryptocurrencies through a SIPP can be a tax-efficient approach. Although you cannot directly invest or hold cryptocurrency in SIPP, there are indirect tax efficient options like setting up a trust or scheme.

After turning 55, you can withdraw up to 25% of your SIPP tax-free, making it a potentially lucrative retirement strategy.

7. Consider Offshore Options

Some crypto investors explore offshore options in low-tax jurisdictions to minimize their tax liabilities. 

However, it’s essential to consult with a financial advisor and ensure compliance with UK tax laws and regulations when considering this option.

8. Stay Informed and Seek Professional Advice

Tax laws and regulations are subject to change, and staying informed about the latest developments is crucial. 

Staying updated on the latest tax laws and seeking advice from tax professionals can help you optimize your tax position and avoid pitfalls. You can also leverage a UK's Top Crypto Tax Software - Kryptos to automate the entire process.

9. Record Keeping

Documenting every transaction's details, including dates, values, and associated costs, can provide a clear audit trail for HMRC.

Accurate record-keeping ensures that you can report your crypto activities accurately and claim any eligible deductions. 

To simplify the process, leverage crypto tax software like Kryptos that allows you to manage all your crypto assets including DeFi and NFTs in a single dashboard. 

This means you no longer have to manually keep track of your transactions, but can easily monitor your tax liability at any time and identify opportunities all year round.

10. Use Crypto Tax Software

Using a good crypto tax software can streamline the entire tax filing process. 

These tools can automatically track your transactions, calculate gains and losses, and generate legally compliant tax reports within minutes all while you enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, ensuring accurate and compliant tax filings.

Maximize Your Crypto Tax Savings with Kryptos

By employing these 10 strategies, investors can legally minimize their tax liabilities, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of their crypto investments while staying within the bounds of the law.

Crypto tax software like Kryptos can simplify this process and ensure you don’t miss out on any tax saving opportunity. Simply import your transactions from 5000+ DeFi protocols, 100+ wallets and exchanges, and support NFTs. 

The app updates all your tax liabilities in a single dashboard and allows you to save taxes while staying compliant with the latest tax laws.

Want to see how Kryptos can help simplify your crypto taxes? Sign Up Now for free.


1. Do I need to pay taxes on my cryptocurrency investments in the UK?

Yes, cryptocurrency investments are subject to taxation in the UK. Profits from cryptocurrency trading, mining, staking, and other crypto-related activities are taxable and need to be reported to HMRC.

2. How are capital gains from cryptocurrency taxed in the UK?

Capital gains from cryptocurrency transactions are subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT). You need to calculate the gain by deducting the cost of acquisition (purchase price) from the selling price. The annual CGT allowance allows you to earn up to a certain amount tax-free; however, gains beyond this threshold are subject to CGT.

3. What is the tax rate for capital gains on cryptocurrencies in the UK?

The tax rate for capital gains depends on your total taxable income and your tax bracket. As of the 2023/2024 tax year, the rates can range from 10% to 20% for individuals, with higher rates for trustees or personal representatives.

4. Are there any tax-free allowances for cryptocurrency gains in the UK?

Yes, there are tax-free allowances. The annual capital gains tax allowance is £12,300, meaning you can earn up to this amount in gains tax-free. Moreover, there are tax-free allowances for income tax, with the personal allowance set at £12,570 for the same tax year.

5. Can I offset cryptocurrency losses against gains to reduce my tax liability?

Yes, you can offset losses from cryptocurrency transactions against gains to reduce your overall tax liability. This strategy is known as tax loss harvesting and can help lower your taxable income.

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey!

How we reviewed this article

Written by
Brihasi Dey

Social Media Manager, Content Writer, Strategist, and Marketer - An IT graduate well versed in SaaS, AI, & Web3, assisting Tech and Blockchain brands in scaling with Content.

Reviewed by
Ajith Chandan

Content Creator - Kryptos, A Web2 Marketer transitioned to Web3 with 3 years of expertise in Content (Writing. Marketing. Strategizing) and Social media marketing.


Top 10 Ways to Avoid Crypto Tax in the UK 2024

Brihasi Dey

Are you a savvy crypto investor in the UK looking to reduce your tax bill legally?

Look no further.

In this blog, we'll show you the best strategies to maximize your investments while staying on the right side of the law.

Let's dive into these tax-saving tips so you can start saving like a pro!

1. HODL for the Long Term

One of the easiest and most effective ways to minimize crypto taxes in the UK is by holding onto your cryptocurrency for the long term.

This strategy works because unrealized gains aren't taxed. By not selling or trading your assets, you delay paying capital gains tax until you decide to cash out.

2. Utilize Tax-Free Allowances

Every individual in the UK has an annual capital gains tax exemption, which is £12,300 for the year 2023. By realizing gains within this threshold, you can legally avoid paying taxes on those gains.

Similarly, the personal allowance for income tax, set at £12,570, can be used to receive income from crypto investments tax-free, up to this amount. It's crucial to plan your disposals and income strategically to maximize these allowances.

3. Tax Loss Harvesting

Tax loss harvesting involves selling underperforming assets at a loss to offset gains from profitable investments. By strategically realizing losses, you can reduce your overall taxable income, thereby lowering your tax bill.

For instance, if you’ve made a £10,000 gain from the disposal of 1 BTC and you have an ETH token currently down £1,000 from your purchase price, you can sell this ETH token and offset this £1,000 loss against the £10,000 gain, bringing your tax base down to £9,000.

4. Gift Your Assets to Family Members

In the UK, gifting cryptocurrencies to family members, such as spouses or civil partners, is considered tax-free. 

This can be particularly advantageous if the recipient is in a lower tax bracket or has not used up their tax allowances. It's a legal way to distribute gains across family members and utilize multiple allowances.

5. Donate to Charities

Donating cryptocurrency to registered charities can be a tax-efficient way to reduce your tax liability in the UK. 

Charitable donations are eligible for tax relief, which can be claimed to reduce your overall taxable income. This not only supports good causes but also strategically lowers your tax liability.

6. Use a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)

Investing in cryptocurrencies through a SIPP can be a tax-efficient approach. Although you cannot directly invest or hold cryptocurrency in SIPP, there are indirect tax efficient options like setting up a trust or scheme.

After turning 55, you can withdraw up to 25% of your SIPP tax-free, making it a potentially lucrative retirement strategy.

7. Consider Offshore Options

Some crypto investors explore offshore options in low-tax jurisdictions to minimize their tax liabilities. 

However, it’s essential to consult with a financial advisor and ensure compliance with UK tax laws and regulations when considering this option.

8. Stay Informed and Seek Professional Advice

Tax laws and regulations are subject to change, and staying informed about the latest developments is crucial. 

Staying updated on the latest tax laws and seeking advice from tax professionals can help you optimize your tax position and avoid pitfalls. You can also leverage a UK's Top Crypto Tax Software - Kryptos to automate the entire process.

9. Record Keeping

Documenting every transaction's details, including dates, values, and associated costs, can provide a clear audit trail for HMRC.

Accurate record-keeping ensures that you can report your crypto activities accurately and claim any eligible deductions. 

To simplify the process, leverage crypto tax software like Kryptos that allows you to manage all your crypto assets including DeFi and NFTs in a single dashboard. 

This means you no longer have to manually keep track of your transactions, but can easily monitor your tax liability at any time and identify opportunities all year round.

10. Use Crypto Tax Software

Using a good crypto tax software can streamline the entire tax filing process. 

These tools can automatically track your transactions, calculate gains and losses, and generate legally compliant tax reports within minutes all while you enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, ensuring accurate and compliant tax filings.

Maximize Your Crypto Tax Savings with Kryptos

By employing these 10 strategies, investors can legally minimize their tax liabilities, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of their crypto investments while staying within the bounds of the law.

Crypto tax software like Kryptos can simplify this process and ensure you don’t miss out on any tax saving opportunity. Simply import your transactions from 5000+ DeFi protocols, 100+ wallets and exchanges, and support NFTs. 

The app updates all your tax liabilities in a single dashboard and allows you to save taxes while staying compliant with the latest tax laws.

Want to see how Kryptos can help simplify your crypto taxes? Sign Up Now for free.


1. Do I need to pay taxes on my cryptocurrency investments in the UK?

Yes, cryptocurrency investments are subject to taxation in the UK. Profits from cryptocurrency trading, mining, staking, and other crypto-related activities are taxable and need to be reported to HMRC.

2. How are capital gains from cryptocurrency taxed in the UK?

Capital gains from cryptocurrency transactions are subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT). You need to calculate the gain by deducting the cost of acquisition (purchase price) from the selling price. The annual CGT allowance allows you to earn up to a certain amount tax-free; however, gains beyond this threshold are subject to CGT.

3. What is the tax rate for capital gains on cryptocurrencies in the UK?

The tax rate for capital gains depends on your total taxable income and your tax bracket. As of the 2023/2024 tax year, the rates can range from 10% to 20% for individuals, with higher rates for trustees or personal representatives.

4. Are there any tax-free allowances for cryptocurrency gains in the UK?

Yes, there are tax-free allowances. The annual capital gains tax allowance is £12,300, meaning you can earn up to this amount in gains tax-free. Moreover, there are tax-free allowances for income tax, with the personal allowance set at £12,570 for the same tax year.

5. Can I offset cryptocurrency losses against gains to reduce my tax liability?

Yes, you can offset losses from cryptocurrency transactions against gains to reduce your overall tax liability. This strategy is known as tax loss harvesting and can help lower your taxable income.

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey!

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