Crypto & Taxes: What Czech Investors Need to Know 2024

Ajith Chandan
Reviewed by
Deepak Pareek
min read
Last updated:

Before 2017, cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic existed in a regulatory grey zone, operating under EU regulations without specific national laws.

However, a pivotal shift took place in 2017, as the Czech government enacted amendments mandating banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, and financial service providers to identify their customers. This significant move aimed to tackle tax evasion and illicit activities linked to cryptocurrencies.

This move aimed to combat tax evasion and illegal activities associated with cryptocurrencies. In this comprehensive guide, we'll be covering key aspects of crypto taxes in the Czech republic that every investor should be aware of.

Is Crypto Taxed in Czech Republic?

As a result, cryptocurrencies are now subject to taxation in the Czech Republic. The government's ability to prosecute tax evaders and those engaging in illegal cryptocurrency activities has significantly increased. The growing interest in collecting taxes from cryptocurrency users reflects a broader global trend of governments adapting their regulatory frameworks to the evolving crypto landscape.

Capital Gains Tax in Czech Republic

One of the critical aspects of cryptocurrency taxation is the treatment of capital gains. In the Czech Republic, cryptocurrencies are classified as commodities, not currencies. This classification has implications for how capital gains are taxed.

For individual investors, the Income Tax Act specifies that income is generated when cryptocurrencies are sold, exchanged for fiat currency, or used in transactions for goods and services. This means that capital gains from crypto transactions are subject to personal income tax. The current tax rate for individuals trading crypto in the Czech Republic is 15%. However, if the total income, including earnings from employment and business activities, exceeds a statutory limit, a higher tax rate of 23% applies.

It's worth noting that the Income Tax Act does not provide specific rules for the treatment of cryptocurrencies. Instead, they are classified as other income, reflecting their status as commodities rather than legal tender.

Corporate Taxation and Crypto Activities

Crypto-related economic activities conducted by businesses in the Czech Republic fall under the purview of general legislation aimed at the financial market. Corporate income tax is levied at a rate of 19% for businesses trading cryptocurrencies. Non-resident companies are taxed only on income earned within the Czech Republic.

The relatively liberal approach taken by Czech regulations allows for innovation and experimentation in the rapidly evolving crypto industry. However, businesses must adhere to relevant EU rules to avoid tax evasion charges. The European Union's anti-money laundering regulations, specifically AMLD5, play a significant role in shaping the regulatory environment for crypto-related firms.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has implemented stricter anti-money laundering (AML) regulations than required by the EU. AML regulations apply to any entity providing cryptocurrency services, including buying, selling, storing, managing, or mediating the purchase or sale of cryptocurrencies as a business. 

These regulations exceed the requirements of AMLD5, which primarily focuses on regulating cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. The Czech Republic's proactive approach reflects a commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability in the crypto sector.

Personal Income Tax

Individuals engaged in trading cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic face personal income tax implications. While income from cryptocurrency mining is not taxable, selling or exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat currency, goods, or services triggers tax obligations. 

Taxable Events and Rates

When it comes to personal income tax on cryptocurrency transactions in the Czech Republic, understanding the taxable events is crucial. 

While the mining of cryptocurrencies doesn't generate taxable income, the sale or exchange of cryptocurrencies triggers tax obligations. 

Individuals trading cryptocurrencies face a standard tax rate of 15%. However, if the total income, including earnings from employment and business activities, exceeds the statutory limit (CZK 1,867,728 in 2022), a higher rate of 23% applies.

Treatment of Cryptocurrency for Tax Purposes

The Income Tax Act in the Czech Republic does not specify detailed rules for the treatment of cryptocurrencies. However, due to their classification as commodities rather than legal tender, cryptocurrency revenues are recorded as "other income”.This categorization places cryptocurrency income under either Section 7 (self-employment income) or Section 9 (income from the rental of movable or real property) or Section 10 (other income) of the Income Tax Act. The classification depends on whether the taxpayer systematically pursues the relevant activity for the purpose of generating profits.

Record Keeping: A Crucial Aspect for Tax Compliance

Maintaining accurate and comprehensive records of cryptocurrency transactions is essential for ensuring tax compliance in the Czech Republic. Here are key elements to consider:

  1. Transaction Details: Keep records of each cryptocurrency transaction, including dates, amounts, and counterparties involved.
  1. Conversion Rates: Since cryptocurrency values can be volatile, it's crucial to record the exchange rates at the time of each transaction, especially when converting to fiat currency.
  1. Wallet Addresses: Record wallet addresses for both sending and receiving parties to establish a clear trail of transactions.
  1. Proof of Acquisition: For cryptocurrencies obtained through mining or other means, document the proof of acquisition, such as receipts or mining records.
  1. Expense Documentation: If expenses are incurred in the process of cryptocurrency transactions, keep detailed records, as these may be deductible for tax purposes.
  1. Periodic Valuation: Regularly update the valuation of your cryptocurrency holdings to reflect their current market value.

VAT or Sales Tax Considerations

In general, cryptocurrency transactions in the Czech Republic are not subject to value-added tax (VAT). However, there are exceptions. If suppliers fail to pay VAT, the tax authorities have the authority to recover taxes from the company that purchased the goods, potentially shifting the burden to cryptocurrency buyers.

While buyers in most cryptocurrency transactions are exempt from paying VAT, certain crypto-related services that do not qualify as alternative means of payment may be subject to VAT. Providers of such services must register as VAT payers, with a tax period of one calendar month for newly registered payers.

Tax Planning and Professional Advice

Given the evolving nature of cryptocurrency regulations, seeking professional advice is advisable. Engaging with a tax professional who understands the intricacies of cryptocurrency taxation in the Czech Republic or using a crypto tax calculator like Krytpos can help optimize your tax position, ensure compliance, and provide guidance on any changes in the regulatory landscape.

Kryptos: Crypto Tax Filing made easy

For Czech investors who are looking to calculate their cryptocurrency taxes and maximise their savings, Kryptos offers a number of advantageous features. 

Here are some of the advantages of using Kryptos:

  • User-friendly interface: Kryptos provides an easy-to-use interface for tracking crypto transactions and creating correct tax reports. It does not require tax experience to navigate.
  • Leading crypto portfolio tracking and insights: Kryptos's portfolio tracking and insights tool allows you to take control of your crypto data. The portfolio dashboard provides an overview of your transactions as well as data on your entire crypto portfolio. Real-time updates on buy and sell data, net profit, and total profit help you make informed decisions and keep track of your investments.
  • Accurate Crypto Tax Calculator: Kryptos uses an advanced algorithm to calculate the acquisition cost of each cryptocurrency transaction, ensuring accurate representation and documentation of capital gains and income for tax purposes.


1. Is cryptocurrency taxed in the Czech Republic?

Yes, cryptocurrencies are subject to taxation in the Czech Republic. The government implemented amendments in 2017, aligning with a global trend of adapting regulatory frameworks to combat tax evasion and illegal activities associated with cryptocurrencies.

2. How are capital gains from cryptocurrency transactions taxed in the Czech Republic?

Capital gains from crypto transactions are subject to personal income tax in the Czech Republic. Cryptocurrencies are classified as commodities, not currencies. The standard tax rate for individuals is 15%, but it increases to 23% if total income surpasses a statutory limit.

3. What is the corporate income tax rate for businesses trading cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic?

Businesses trading cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic are subject to a corporate income tax rate of 19%. Non-resident companies are taxed only on income earned within the country.

4. Are there strict anti-money laundering (AML) regulations for cryptocurrency services in the Czech Republic?

Yes, the Czech Republic has implemented stricter AML regulations than required by the EU. These regulations apply to entities providing cryptocurrency services, and failure to register operations can result in fines of up to 500,000 koruna.

5. How does Kryptos simplify crypto tax filing for Czech investors?

Kryptos streamlines crypto tax filing for Czech investors with its user-friendly interface, automated transaction importation, and over 2000 rapid integrations covering exchanges like Binance and Coinbase. It ensures accurate tax calculations, making it easy for users to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency taxation.

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey!

How we reviewed this article

Written by
Ajith Chandan

Content Creator - Kryptos, A Web2 Marketer transitioned to Web3 with 3 years of expertise in Content (Writing. Marketing. Strategizing) and Social media marketing.

Reviewed by
Deepak Pareek

Head of Tax & Accounting - Kryptos, Crypto Tax and Accounting Expert, having experience in working with Big 4 accounting firms as well as top tier law firms of India.


Crypto & Taxes: What Czech Investors Need to Know 2024

Ajith Chandan

Before 2017, cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic existed in a regulatory grey zone, operating under EU regulations without specific national laws.

However, a pivotal shift took place in 2017, as the Czech government enacted amendments mandating banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, and financial service providers to identify their customers. This significant move aimed to tackle tax evasion and illicit activities linked to cryptocurrencies.

This move aimed to combat tax evasion and illegal activities associated with cryptocurrencies. In this comprehensive guide, we'll be covering key aspects of crypto taxes in the Czech republic that every investor should be aware of.

Is Crypto Taxed in Czech Republic?

As a result, cryptocurrencies are now subject to taxation in the Czech Republic. The government's ability to prosecute tax evaders and those engaging in illegal cryptocurrency activities has significantly increased. The growing interest in collecting taxes from cryptocurrency users reflects a broader global trend of governments adapting their regulatory frameworks to the evolving crypto landscape.

Capital Gains Tax in Czech Republic

One of the critical aspects of cryptocurrency taxation is the treatment of capital gains. In the Czech Republic, cryptocurrencies are classified as commodities, not currencies. This classification has implications for how capital gains are taxed.

For individual investors, the Income Tax Act specifies that income is generated when cryptocurrencies are sold, exchanged for fiat currency, or used in transactions for goods and services. This means that capital gains from crypto transactions are subject to personal income tax. The current tax rate for individuals trading crypto in the Czech Republic is 15%. However, if the total income, including earnings from employment and business activities, exceeds a statutory limit, a higher tax rate of 23% applies.

It's worth noting that the Income Tax Act does not provide specific rules for the treatment of cryptocurrencies. Instead, they are classified as other income, reflecting their status as commodities rather than legal tender.

Corporate Taxation and Crypto Activities

Crypto-related economic activities conducted by businesses in the Czech Republic fall under the purview of general legislation aimed at the financial market. Corporate income tax is levied at a rate of 19% for businesses trading cryptocurrencies. Non-resident companies are taxed only on income earned within the Czech Republic.

The relatively liberal approach taken by Czech regulations allows for innovation and experimentation in the rapidly evolving crypto industry. However, businesses must adhere to relevant EU rules to avoid tax evasion charges. The European Union's anti-money laundering regulations, specifically AMLD5, play a significant role in shaping the regulatory environment for crypto-related firms.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has implemented stricter anti-money laundering (AML) regulations than required by the EU. AML regulations apply to any entity providing cryptocurrency services, including buying, selling, storing, managing, or mediating the purchase or sale of cryptocurrencies as a business. 

These regulations exceed the requirements of AMLD5, which primarily focuses on regulating cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. The Czech Republic's proactive approach reflects a commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability in the crypto sector.

Personal Income Tax

Individuals engaged in trading cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic face personal income tax implications. While income from cryptocurrency mining is not taxable, selling or exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat currency, goods, or services triggers tax obligations. 

Taxable Events and Rates

When it comes to personal income tax on cryptocurrency transactions in the Czech Republic, understanding the taxable events is crucial. 

While the mining of cryptocurrencies doesn't generate taxable income, the sale or exchange of cryptocurrencies triggers tax obligations. 

Individuals trading cryptocurrencies face a standard tax rate of 15%. However, if the total income, including earnings from employment and business activities, exceeds the statutory limit (CZK 1,867,728 in 2022), a higher rate of 23% applies.

Treatment of Cryptocurrency for Tax Purposes

The Income Tax Act in the Czech Republic does not specify detailed rules for the treatment of cryptocurrencies. However, due to their classification as commodities rather than legal tender, cryptocurrency revenues are recorded as "other income”.This categorization places cryptocurrency income under either Section 7 (self-employment income) or Section 9 (income from the rental of movable or real property) or Section 10 (other income) of the Income Tax Act. The classification depends on whether the taxpayer systematically pursues the relevant activity for the purpose of generating profits.

Record Keeping: A Crucial Aspect for Tax Compliance

Maintaining accurate and comprehensive records of cryptocurrency transactions is essential for ensuring tax compliance in the Czech Republic. Here are key elements to consider:

  1. Transaction Details: Keep records of each cryptocurrency transaction, including dates, amounts, and counterparties involved.
  1. Conversion Rates: Since cryptocurrency values can be volatile, it's crucial to record the exchange rates at the time of each transaction, especially when converting to fiat currency.
  1. Wallet Addresses: Record wallet addresses for both sending and receiving parties to establish a clear trail of transactions.
  1. Proof of Acquisition: For cryptocurrencies obtained through mining or other means, document the proof of acquisition, such as receipts or mining records.
  1. Expense Documentation: If expenses are incurred in the process of cryptocurrency transactions, keep detailed records, as these may be deductible for tax purposes.
  1. Periodic Valuation: Regularly update the valuation of your cryptocurrency holdings to reflect their current market value.

VAT or Sales Tax Considerations

In general, cryptocurrency transactions in the Czech Republic are not subject to value-added tax (VAT). However, there are exceptions. If suppliers fail to pay VAT, the tax authorities have the authority to recover taxes from the company that purchased the goods, potentially shifting the burden to cryptocurrency buyers.

While buyers in most cryptocurrency transactions are exempt from paying VAT, certain crypto-related services that do not qualify as alternative means of payment may be subject to VAT. Providers of such services must register as VAT payers, with a tax period of one calendar month for newly registered payers.

Tax Planning and Professional Advice

Given the evolving nature of cryptocurrency regulations, seeking professional advice is advisable. Engaging with a tax professional who understands the intricacies of cryptocurrency taxation in the Czech Republic or using a crypto tax calculator like Krytpos can help optimize your tax position, ensure compliance, and provide guidance on any changes in the regulatory landscape.

Kryptos: Crypto Tax Filing made easy

For Czech investors who are looking to calculate their cryptocurrency taxes and maximise their savings, Kryptos offers a number of advantageous features. 

Here are some of the advantages of using Kryptos:

  • User-friendly interface: Kryptos provides an easy-to-use interface for tracking crypto transactions and creating correct tax reports. It does not require tax experience to navigate.
  • Leading crypto portfolio tracking and insights: Kryptos's portfolio tracking and insights tool allows you to take control of your crypto data. The portfolio dashboard provides an overview of your transactions as well as data on your entire crypto portfolio. Real-time updates on buy and sell data, net profit, and total profit help you make informed decisions and keep track of your investments.
  • Accurate Crypto Tax Calculator: Kryptos uses an advanced algorithm to calculate the acquisition cost of each cryptocurrency transaction, ensuring accurate representation and documentation of capital gains and income for tax purposes.


1. Is cryptocurrency taxed in the Czech Republic?

Yes, cryptocurrencies are subject to taxation in the Czech Republic. The government implemented amendments in 2017, aligning with a global trend of adapting regulatory frameworks to combat tax evasion and illegal activities associated with cryptocurrencies.

2. How are capital gains from cryptocurrency transactions taxed in the Czech Republic?

Capital gains from crypto transactions are subject to personal income tax in the Czech Republic. Cryptocurrencies are classified as commodities, not currencies. The standard tax rate for individuals is 15%, but it increases to 23% if total income surpasses a statutory limit.

3. What is the corporate income tax rate for businesses trading cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic?

Businesses trading cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic are subject to a corporate income tax rate of 19%. Non-resident companies are taxed only on income earned within the country.

4. Are there strict anti-money laundering (AML) regulations for cryptocurrency services in the Czech Republic?

Yes, the Czech Republic has implemented stricter AML regulations than required by the EU. These regulations apply to entities providing cryptocurrency services, and failure to register operations can result in fines of up to 500,000 koruna.

5. How does Kryptos simplify crypto tax filing for Czech investors?

Kryptos streamlines crypto tax filing for Czech investors with its user-friendly interface, automated transaction importation, and over 2000 rapid integrations covering exchanges like Binance and Coinbase. It ensures accurate tax calculations, making it easy for users to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency taxation.

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey!

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