Trusted by leading investors and partners

Get started in 3 simple steps

Kryptos provide nft, defi, exchanges, blockchain, web3, digital asset and numerous other supportSign in or sign up to get started in secs

Sign up or Sign in

To manage your portfolio and crypto taxes efficiently.
connect all your accounts:  nft, defi, blockchain, exchanges, wallets etc5000+ integrations available at kryptos

Connect your accounts

Sync- in your wallets / crypto transactions in minutes
$80, 404
Cost Basis
Realized Gains
cost basis and realized gains graph representation
Cost Basis:
$80, 404
$80, 404
Download tax report:
download icon

Lightning fast reports

Generate accurate Tax Reports for FREE*
Sign - in / Sign - up
Sign - in / Sign - up to sync all your information and manage your portfolio
Connect your accounts
Sync in all your wallets, exchanges and digital assets in one place
Generate reports in mins
Generate your tax report as per the regulatory standards of your country in no time.

Magical features to help you take informed financial decisions.

Overall Portfolio
Automated gain and loss calculation representation with overall portfolio and gains

Automated Gain & Loss Calculations

Track your entire portfolio, PnL and tax liability all in the same place.

Harvest Losses

Kryptos Tax Loss Harvesting feature helps you "turn losses into gains"
Harvest losses with kryptos

100% Security

enterprise grade security
Data Import
Support for API, CSV, and Auth
data import using csv or api or manual

Error Reconciliation

Kryptos Error Reconciliation quickly highlight discrepancies in your crypto transactions.
error reconciliation

Generate accurate tax reports in less than half the time

We got you covered 10+ Country Reports and 15+ Specialized Reports.

Because it’s simply the best.

We have got you covered, Compare crypto tax software today
Jurisdiction Support
DeFi Dashboard
tick mark
cross mark
cross mark
cross mark
cross mark
Mobile App
tick mark
tick mark
cross mark
cross mark
tick mark
Get started
No credit card required
Check our pricing
Explore free plan

A growing library of

150+ Blockchains

See all integrations
5000+ integrations provided by Kryptos

We’re not just like any tax software.
We go one step beyond for you.

With Kryptos you can do more than just filing your taxes, we provide a unified framework for easy access, integration, and interaction across diverse Web3 ecosystems.
Kryptos new ecosystem
Download our mobile app on play store or apple storeDownload our mobile app on play store or apple store
5000+ integrations support

Get started today

Download our mobile application to stay updated on the move without any hassle.

Enterprise grade platform that is fully secure and designed to scale

  • We have advanced end-to-end encryption in place.
  • Secure access with multi-factor authentication.
  • Regular security audits to ensure the highest level of data protection and privacy.
  • Our application only requires 'read-only' access to your data.


Encrypted data
enterprise grade security


Secure access