How to Avoid Crypto Tax in Estonia

Ajith Chandan
Reviewed by
Deepak Pareek
min read
Last updated:

Estonia, known for its progressive stance on technology and innovation, has become a hub for cryptocurrency activities. With clear guidelines on crypto taxation, individuals engaged in the crypto space seek ways to navigate the tax landscape efficiently. In this guide, we'll explore strategies on how to avoid crypto tax in Estonia, making the most of legal exemptions and smart financial practices.

BUT FIRST - Is Crypto Taxed in Estonia?

Before we explore ways to avoid taxes, it's important to wrap our heads around how Estonia handles crypto taxes. The rule of the land is a simple 20% income tax on profits made through crypto deals. This includes various activities like selling crypto for regular money, exchanging between different cryptocurrencies, making purchases with crypto, and yes, even crypto mining.

HODLing Crypto

Holding onto your crypto for the long run? It's a smart move, and it comes with tax benefits too. When you HODL, you won't pay any taxes on your crypto.

Just remember to keep track of how much you spent to buy your crypto. This way, you can accurately figure out your gains or losses later on when you sell the crypto.

For those who plan to hold onto their crypto for a while, it's a good idea to use a platform that can store trading information for extended periods. Exchanges usually only keep records for 3 to 6 months. You can then easily import this data into Kryptos to quickly assess your tax obligations.

Crypto Transfers in between Wallet

Transferring crypto between wallets and swapping regular money for crypto are untaxed transactions.

Non-Taxable Activities: Moving crypto between different electronic wallets and giving crypto as a gift are not subject to taxation.

Make the Most of General Income Tax Allowance

If you're in Estonia, there's a nifty trick to ease the tax burden – the general income tax allowance. Starting 2023, this sweet deal can range from €654 per month to €7,848 per year, depending on your income. 

And guess what? If you're enjoying the golden years of retirement, that allowance gets a little boost to a solid €704 per month or €8,448 per year. Taking full advantage of this allowance can work wonders in cutting down your taxable income.

Avoid Crypto tax by Gifting Crypto

Gifting crypto is a tax-free endeavor in Estonia. By transferring your crypto assets as a gift to another individual, you not only share the wealth but also sidestep the tax implications that typically accompany sales or exchanges. This can be a strategic way to manage your crypto portfolio while minimizing tax liability.

Crypto Donation 

Private individuals contributing to eligible associations and foundations can benefit from tax deductions up to €1200. The process involves submitting a "Declaration of gifts and donations received" to the Tax and Customs Board. The donors, in turn, see this information automatically filled into their income tax returns, streamlining the process.

Crypto Mining

Individual Mining: For those engaged in personal crypto mining or data processing, there's an opportunity to minimize tax burdens. Although income from individual mining is considered business income, it doesn't have tax withheld. However, it's essential to note that expenses related to mining activities, such as equipment and electricity costs, cannot be deducted for tax purposes.

Registering as a Business: Long-term or professional crypto miners have the option to register either as a sole proprietor or a legal entity. This strategic move opens doors to declare and deduct business-related expenses. While the taxman takes a share through income tax, social tax, and a contribution to a mandatory funded pension, savvy miners can optimize their tax position by aligning with the right business structure.

Optimize Crypto Staking and Lending

Tax-Free Staking: Staking your crypto, akin to lending it out, is generally not seen as a taxable event in Estonia. However, any interest earned from staking activities becomes taxable. To avoid surprises, ensure that you declare the interest income in the relevant section of your income tax return for the year you received it.

Tax-Free Crypto Lending: Lending your crypto to others is generally tax-free in Estonia. However, be aware that any interest earned from these lending activities is subject to income tax. When reporting your income tax return, accurately declare any additional income generated from lending activities.

Stay Up-to-Date on Airdrops and Forks

Right now, Estonia doesn't have a clear rulebook on how they tax airdrops and forks. But here's the scoop – tokens you get from airdrops and hard forks probably end up in the income tax basket. The good news is, soft forks usually skate by without any tax fuss because they don't cook up new tokens for everyone involved.

Now, this is just an educated guess, and the Tax Authority (MTA) might see it differently. To be on the safe side, it's wise to have a chat with a tax expert. They can help you decode the tax maze around these transactions and make sure you're in the clear.

Use your Crypto Losses to reduce your Tax Bill 

While losses from crypto transactions cannot be directly deducted from your taxable income in Estonia, strategic planning can still be beneficial. Consider timing your transactions to offset gains with losses, though this won't directly reduce your tax bill. Consulting with tax professionals can help you explore potential ways to make the most of losses within the legal framework.

Make Informed Decisions on ICOs and NFTs

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained popularity in the crypto space. While there isn't a straightforward rule on how taxes apply to tokens obtained through ICOs, and taxes on NFTs depend on various factors, seeking professional advice can help you make informed decisions and stay tax-efficient.

Meeting Filing Deadlines and Keeping Records

Timely Tax Declaration: Residents in Estonia have until April 30th (or May 2 for the year 2023) to submit their tax returns. Electronic filing opens on February 15th, offering a digital route for a seamless experience.

Records for MTA: To ensure a smooth tax filing process, maintain detailed records of all transactions, acquisition prices, disposals, fair market values, and the types of assets bought, sold, exchanged, or traded. These records provide essential documentation for accurate reporting.

Cut Down on Crypto Taxes with Kryptos

Kryptos makes handling your crypto taxes a breeze. It not only does the heavy lifting by calculating your capital gains, losses, income, and expenses, but it also comes equipped with features to optimize your tax situation.

With Kryptos, you can keep an eye on your unrealized gains and losses, giving you valuable insights into when to HODL and when to make a move.

What's more, Kryptos supports various cost basis methods, such as FIFO, LIFO, and HIFO. You have the flexibility to tweak these settings and see how they impact your overall crypto taxes.


1. What is the basic income tax allowance in Estonia, and how can it help in minimizing crypto tax liability?

In Estonia, the basic income tax allowance as of 2023 ranges from €654 to €7,848 annually, based on income. For those of pensionable age, it's a fixed €704 per month or €8,448 per year. Leveraging this allowance strategically can significantly reduce taxable crypto gains.

2. Is gifting crypto a viable strategy to avoid taxes in Estonia, and are there any restrictions on the recipients?

Yes, gifting crypto is a tax-free transaction in Estonia. You can transfer cryptocurrency as a gift to individuals or registered non-profit organizations. There are no taxes triggered by gifting, presenting an effective strategy to reduce tax liability while supporting causes.

3. How can self-employed individuals in Estonia utilize the basic exemption to minimize crypto tax burdens?

Self-employed individuals in Estonia can utilize the basic exemption by adhering to advance tax payment deadlines. These deadlines, including March 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and December 15th, allow for strategic management of social security contributions, minimizing overall tax burdens.

4. What should individuals be aware of regarding taxation when staking crypto in Estonia?

While staking crypto is generally not taxable, any interest earned from lending out cryptocurrency is subject to taxation. Individuals should accurately declare interest received in the relevant section of their income tax return (Part II of Table 5.1 or Table 8.1).

5. Are there specific considerations for navigating taxes on airdrops, forks, ICOs, and NFTs in Estonia?

Yes, airdrops and forks, while lacking clear taxation guidelines, are expected to be treated as income. Profits from ICOs may be subject to income tax, and NFT transactions have varying tax treatments. Seeking guidance from tax professionals is advisable to navigate these specific crypto activities and optimize tax positions in compliance with Estonian regulations.

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey

How we reviewed this article

Written by
Ajith Chandan

Content Creator - Kryptos, A Web2 Marketer transitioned to Web3 with 3 years of expertise in Content (Writing. Marketing. Strategizing) and Social media marketing.

Reviewed by
Deepak Pareek

Head of Tax & Accounting - Kryptos, Crypto Tax and Accounting Expert, having experience in working with Big 4 accounting firms as well as top tier law firms of India.


How to Avoid Crypto Tax in Estonia

Ajith Chandan

Estonia, known for its progressive stance on technology and innovation, has become a hub for cryptocurrency activities. With clear guidelines on crypto taxation, individuals engaged in the crypto space seek ways to navigate the tax landscape efficiently. In this guide, we'll explore strategies on how to avoid crypto tax in Estonia, making the most of legal exemptions and smart financial practices.

BUT FIRST - Is Crypto Taxed in Estonia?

Before we explore ways to avoid taxes, it's important to wrap our heads around how Estonia handles crypto taxes. The rule of the land is a simple 20% income tax on profits made through crypto deals. This includes various activities like selling crypto for regular money, exchanging between different cryptocurrencies, making purchases with crypto, and yes, even crypto mining.

HODLing Crypto

Holding onto your crypto for the long run? It's a smart move, and it comes with tax benefits too. When you HODL, you won't pay any taxes on your crypto.

Just remember to keep track of how much you spent to buy your crypto. This way, you can accurately figure out your gains or losses later on when you sell the crypto.

For those who plan to hold onto their crypto for a while, it's a good idea to use a platform that can store trading information for extended periods. Exchanges usually only keep records for 3 to 6 months. You can then easily import this data into Kryptos to quickly assess your tax obligations.

Crypto Transfers in between Wallet

Transferring crypto between wallets and swapping regular money for crypto are untaxed transactions.

Non-Taxable Activities: Moving crypto between different electronic wallets and giving crypto as a gift are not subject to taxation.

Make the Most of General Income Tax Allowance

If you're in Estonia, there's a nifty trick to ease the tax burden – the general income tax allowance. Starting 2023, this sweet deal can range from €654 per month to €7,848 per year, depending on your income. 

And guess what? If you're enjoying the golden years of retirement, that allowance gets a little boost to a solid €704 per month or €8,448 per year. Taking full advantage of this allowance can work wonders in cutting down your taxable income.

Avoid Crypto tax by Gifting Crypto

Gifting crypto is a tax-free endeavor in Estonia. By transferring your crypto assets as a gift to another individual, you not only share the wealth but also sidestep the tax implications that typically accompany sales or exchanges. This can be a strategic way to manage your crypto portfolio while minimizing tax liability.

Crypto Donation 

Private individuals contributing to eligible associations and foundations can benefit from tax deductions up to €1200. The process involves submitting a "Declaration of gifts and donations received" to the Tax and Customs Board. The donors, in turn, see this information automatically filled into their income tax returns, streamlining the process.

Crypto Mining

Individual Mining: For those engaged in personal crypto mining or data processing, there's an opportunity to minimize tax burdens. Although income from individual mining is considered business income, it doesn't have tax withheld. However, it's essential to note that expenses related to mining activities, such as equipment and electricity costs, cannot be deducted for tax purposes.

Registering as a Business: Long-term or professional crypto miners have the option to register either as a sole proprietor or a legal entity. This strategic move opens doors to declare and deduct business-related expenses. While the taxman takes a share through income tax, social tax, and a contribution to a mandatory funded pension, savvy miners can optimize their tax position by aligning with the right business structure.

Optimize Crypto Staking and Lending

Tax-Free Staking: Staking your crypto, akin to lending it out, is generally not seen as a taxable event in Estonia. However, any interest earned from staking activities becomes taxable. To avoid surprises, ensure that you declare the interest income in the relevant section of your income tax return for the year you received it.

Tax-Free Crypto Lending: Lending your crypto to others is generally tax-free in Estonia. However, be aware that any interest earned from these lending activities is subject to income tax. When reporting your income tax return, accurately declare any additional income generated from lending activities.

Stay Up-to-Date on Airdrops and Forks

Right now, Estonia doesn't have a clear rulebook on how they tax airdrops and forks. But here's the scoop – tokens you get from airdrops and hard forks probably end up in the income tax basket. The good news is, soft forks usually skate by without any tax fuss because they don't cook up new tokens for everyone involved.

Now, this is just an educated guess, and the Tax Authority (MTA) might see it differently. To be on the safe side, it's wise to have a chat with a tax expert. They can help you decode the tax maze around these transactions and make sure you're in the clear.

Use your Crypto Losses to reduce your Tax Bill 

While losses from crypto transactions cannot be directly deducted from your taxable income in Estonia, strategic planning can still be beneficial. Consider timing your transactions to offset gains with losses, though this won't directly reduce your tax bill. Consulting with tax professionals can help you explore potential ways to make the most of losses within the legal framework.

Make Informed Decisions on ICOs and NFTs

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained popularity in the crypto space. While there isn't a straightforward rule on how taxes apply to tokens obtained through ICOs, and taxes on NFTs depend on various factors, seeking professional advice can help you make informed decisions and stay tax-efficient.

Meeting Filing Deadlines and Keeping Records

Timely Tax Declaration: Residents in Estonia have until April 30th (or May 2 for the year 2023) to submit their tax returns. Electronic filing opens on February 15th, offering a digital route for a seamless experience.

Records for MTA: To ensure a smooth tax filing process, maintain detailed records of all transactions, acquisition prices, disposals, fair market values, and the types of assets bought, sold, exchanged, or traded. These records provide essential documentation for accurate reporting.

Cut Down on Crypto Taxes with Kryptos

Kryptos makes handling your crypto taxes a breeze. It not only does the heavy lifting by calculating your capital gains, losses, income, and expenses, but it also comes equipped with features to optimize your tax situation.

With Kryptos, you can keep an eye on your unrealized gains and losses, giving you valuable insights into when to HODL and when to make a move.

What's more, Kryptos supports various cost basis methods, such as FIFO, LIFO, and HIFO. You have the flexibility to tweak these settings and see how they impact your overall crypto taxes.


1. What is the basic income tax allowance in Estonia, and how can it help in minimizing crypto tax liability?

In Estonia, the basic income tax allowance as of 2023 ranges from €654 to €7,848 annually, based on income. For those of pensionable age, it's a fixed €704 per month or €8,448 per year. Leveraging this allowance strategically can significantly reduce taxable crypto gains.

2. Is gifting crypto a viable strategy to avoid taxes in Estonia, and are there any restrictions on the recipients?

Yes, gifting crypto is a tax-free transaction in Estonia. You can transfer cryptocurrency as a gift to individuals or registered non-profit organizations. There are no taxes triggered by gifting, presenting an effective strategy to reduce tax liability while supporting causes.

3. How can self-employed individuals in Estonia utilize the basic exemption to minimize crypto tax burdens?

Self-employed individuals in Estonia can utilize the basic exemption by adhering to advance tax payment deadlines. These deadlines, including March 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and December 15th, allow for strategic management of social security contributions, minimizing overall tax burdens.

4. What should individuals be aware of regarding taxation when staking crypto in Estonia?

While staking crypto is generally not taxable, any interest earned from lending out cryptocurrency is subject to taxation. Individuals should accurately declare interest received in the relevant section of their income tax return (Part II of Table 5.1 or Table 8.1).

5. Are there specific considerations for navigating taxes on airdrops, forks, ICOs, and NFTs in Estonia?

Yes, airdrops and forks, while lacking clear taxation guidelines, are expected to be treated as income. Profits from ICOs may be subject to income tax, and NFT transactions have varying tax treatments. Seeking guidance from tax professionals is advisable to navigate these specific crypto activities and optimize tax positions in compliance with Estonian regulations.

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey

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