Crypto Donations in Times of Instability

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  • Ukraine has received around $37 million in Crypto Donations for the war, and has so far spent $15 million on different military supplies
  • Crypto payment processor Coingate and IBS (International Business Settlement have begun an arrangement with NBU (National Bank of Ukraine), to give people the ability to donate to Ukraine via more than 70 different crypto assets.
  • Coingate executive Matas Kibildis, is quoted in a report where he explains how the importance of Cryptocurrency has proven itself:
  • “The fact that any person or private company can easily do cross-border decentralized-system donations to countries facing conflicts is truly mesmerizing and one of the big reasons why the community is actively supporting Ukraine.” (Source:
  • If you too want to donate Crypto for the cause, please scroll down to see pictures of confirmed wallet addresses posted by the official Ukrainian twitter and Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey!

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Crypto Donations in Times of Instability


  • Ukraine has received around $37 million in Crypto Donations for the war, and has so far spent $15 million on different military supplies
  • Crypto payment processor Coingate and IBS (International Business Settlement have begun an arrangement with NBU (National Bank of Ukraine), to give people the ability to donate to Ukraine via more than 70 different crypto assets.
  • Coingate executive Matas Kibildis, is quoted in a report where he explains how the importance of Cryptocurrency has proven itself:
  • “The fact that any person or private company can easily do cross-border decentralized-system donations to countries facing conflicts is truly mesmerizing and one of the big reasons why the community is actively supporting Ukraine.” (Source:
  • If you too want to donate Crypto for the cause, please scroll down to see pictures of confirmed wallet addresses posted by the official Ukrainian twitter and Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov

All content on Kryptos serves general informational purposes only. It's not intended to replace any professional advice from licensed accountants, attorneys, or certified financial and tax professionals. The information is completed to the best of our knowledge and we at Kryptos do not claim either correctness or accuracy of the same. Before taking any tax position / stance, you should always consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice from the professionals. Kryptos is not liable for any loss caused from the use of, or by placing reliance on, the information on this website. Kryptos disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of any positions taken by you in your tax returns. Thank you for being part of our community, and we're excited to continue guiding you on your crypto journey!

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